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2011 China's thermal insulation materials market will reach 28Billion

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After 70 years of the last century, foreign countries generally attach importance to the production and application of heat preservation material in the building. Foreign heat preservation material industry has a very long history, building energy conservation with heat preservation materials accounted for the vast majority, such as the United States since 1987 building insulation materials accounted for about 81% of all heat preservation materials.
At present, building energy consumption has accounted for 27.5% of the total energy consumption. In view of the importance of building energy conservation, the Ministry of construction has proposed three stages of building energy saving development goals: 1996 (1988 onwards), the new building heating residential building in 1980 ~ 1981, the general design of energy consumption level is generally reduced by 30%, that is energy saving 30%. Since 1996, in the first phase of the basis of re - energy saving 30%, that is, energy saving 50%, of which 30% by building envelope insulation performance to reach, the other 20% by improving the efficiency of heating furnace and outdoor heating pipe network to achieve. Since 2005, in order to achieve the second phase of the foundation and then energy saving 30%, that is, energy saving 65%.
With the country to building energy saving more and more attention to the building, building energy conservation and heat preservation industry is getting more and more attention. Around the real estate, construction industry has focused on the deployment, the introduction of a number of relevant policies, and even the construction of energy-efficient buildings will not be approved by the audit. Especially in our country "five eleven" energy saving target, the contribution rate of building energy saving is 20%, that is to save 1.2 tons of standard coal.
Recently, the international authoritative market analysis agency released a report on China's construction industry, China building insulation market, said that from now until 2011, thanks to China's booming construction market and the prevalence of insulation materials, is expected to heat insulation material demand will grow by 9% per year, 2011 will reach 2840000000 yuan.